Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Find or offer support
General advice & guidanceStay up to date with the latest Government advice here at
Follow the NHS guidance on their pages at Learn more about the global pandemic via The World Health Organisation. Be wary of rumours and hoaxes that might be circulating - WhatsApp has some good advice for spotting fake news! |
How you can helpMutual Aid groups allow you to both offer and request help and support:
Join Nextdoor (it's free!) to receive the latest community news and to link up with your neighbours. Find out the latest from Norwood & Brixton foodbank. Keep an eye on Norwood Forum (for those in West Norwood.) Age UK have published practical ways to help older people during this time. The National Emergencies Trust, in collaboration with the British Red Cross, have launched an appeal to help people affected across the UK - find out more and donate here. Donate to Refuge - or to Women's Aid - self isolation could cut off vital routes of safety and support for women and children affected by domestic violence. |
How to find helpMutual Aid groups allow you to request and offer help and support:
Follow Streatham Women's Institute on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter where we'll share regular updates and links to local support. If you're a member, make sure you've joined the private Facebook group to chat and let off steam as well as learn about our plans to host virtual meet ups online! Please let the committee know if you need any help and we can link you to the best place for support ❤️ |
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