What is the Women's Institute?
The Women's Institute (WI) was founded in 1915 based on the ideals of fellowship, truth and justice. It is the largest voluntary women's organisation in the UK. There are currently almost 220,000 members in approximately 6,300 WIs - of which Streatham WI is just one! Learn more about the history of the WI on the official WI website and more about our Federation, Surrey, here.
When do you meet?
Streatham WI has a main meeting eleven months of the year - January through to November. We meet on the last Thursday of every month at 7.15pm for 7.30pm. Our meetings end at 9.30pm. December's meeting is bit more flexible, watch this space for details!
Where do you meet?
We meet at the Belmont Bowling Club, Broadlands Avenue, SW16 1NA. The club is located just behind Tesco Express.
What do you do?
We offer a varied yearly programme of talks and events, from dance workshops to crafting and local history talks. Our members play a large part in deciding what our programme should be. Check out our What's On pages for more information.
Do you have other activities?
We also have groups, and any member who wants to set up an activity is welcome to do so. Check out the What's On page for more details.
How much is membership?
The annual fee for 2023 is £46.00 (with dual membership of £22.60 available to members of other WIs) - this gives you a subscription to WI Life magazine, access to our meetings and events, the online WI learning platform MyWI as well as national WI events. You also get a member's voucher booklet packed with great discounts! Please note: membership now runs from April – March, pro-rata subscriptions apply when joining mid-year. If you'd like to join please drop us an email - we'd love to hear from you!
Can I bring a friend to the meeting?
With a new year comes new opportunities and Streatham WI is once again opening its doors to new members and guests. We hope you will join us at one of our upcoming meetings. For a fee of £5, prospective members can try up to three meetings before deciding to join. We can also provide contact details for other WIs in the local area.
Can I join group activities if I am not a member?
Prospective members can attend some of our group activities. Each one counts towards your three meetings limit before joining.